Dedicated Servers vs Cloud Servers! Pros and Cons!

When you develop a website for your organization, selecting between a cloud server or a dedicated server for your hosting requirements is a significant decision. Earlier it was normal for businesses to begin with Linux VPS hosting or a shared VPS server to improve traffic to their website. Nowadays, we can see the rapid advent of cloud hosting. It means there is no need for organizations to follow the conventional path. They can start building a site with cloud hosting.

Cloud hosting Pros

1. Support

There is a wide range of cloud hosting plans, services, and platforms available. Each one of them is unique for a business and its programming team. One of the main benefits of using cloud hosting plans is that they can give pre-installed flexible web server support. 

2. Better flexibility and performance

It can also provide customized stack software. The CMS website owners get better overall performance by using cloud hosting via a combination of SSD storage alternatives, premium hardware configurations, and multi-layered databases. You can get better load balancing for network traffic, use PHP processes, and web file caching services with CDN integration.

3. Better scaling

Cloud hosting allocates CPU cores, RAM, and I/O processes to the CMS sites. All of them are more in the case of cloud hosting than compared to shared hosting plans. They allow every website to scale. You can consume more resources on-demand, as per the web traffic needs in live productions. 

4. Better uptime

Cloud hosting ensures that the website is always in ON condition under any available condition of web traffic. Your web pages will load quicker than normal while using community pages.

Cloud hosting cons

1. Issues in customization

If you are using a PaaS model for your retail cloud hosting, one big disadvantage is that your developers will not have the complete flexibility needed. It is required for modifying web server stack software installation for building customized solutions. For instance, you cannot get the capability to change your operating system or install other web server platform software on the retail PaaS cloud hosting plans. But there are “pay as you go” cloud hosting plans available with eWebGuru that allow simple webserver stack customization. It is achieved by using snapshot services.

2. Lack of simplicity

Many small business owners find the cheap VPS hosting plans easier to use especially while transitioning from shared hosting for better performance. Although the cloud hosting plans provide greater stack flexibility, they need more experience in system function and administration similar to the VPS server plans.

Dedicated hosting Pros

1. Better customization

The biggest advantage associated with dedicated servers is customization. Some businesses have to handle a lot of traffic and run complex applications. Many times, they find that the cost of using a dedicated server rather than a cloud server, not to be a significant consideration. It is more important to have a server configured according to its unique requirements. 

2. Better application installing environment

The programmers and web developers need dedicated server software for creating a customized web server environment. It is to be used for complicated application support. This includes the installation of alternative operating systems for web servers. It is also needed for custom developer extensions for using programming languages. The same thing applies to various performance-enhancing utilities. Some of them include advanced page caching systems and optional database frameworks. ASP .Net, Java, Python, and PHP developers all need dedicated server hardware. It has to be customized for building new applications having specific runtime needs.

3. Ease of optimization

It is possible to optimize the dedicated servers for supporting a higher level of web traffic for media, e-commerce, promotions, publishing, and many more things.

Dedicated hosting Cons

1. Security restrictions

There is a big disadvantage to using dedicated hosting. While using an unmanaged approach, the system administrators are responsible for all aspects of web security. It includes all installed extension frameworks and operating systems. The dedicated servers having managed stack software environment have to be updated continuously by the remote technicians working in data centers. This can lead to data access problems for unregistered employees. This is unacceptable to many business operations.

2. Higher costs

The costs involved in leasing these remote dedicated servers are higher than buying and using the hardware locally. Even though it is tough to replicate the speeds offered by a fiber optic network. 

3. Lack of consistency

It is always a good idea to trust a good web hosting company such as eWebGuru for getting excellent third-party support, technical assistance and debugging. All these things are crucial for a website. However, not all hosting companies are guaranteed to be consistent at this level. This inconsistency can lead to loss of business because the occasional web server downtime is tough to predict.

Selecting the right kind of hosting for your business

Rather than moving from shared hosting to dedicated hosting, these days you can opt for cloud hosting plans. Although dedicated hosting plans offer better hardware resource allocations, you can use cloud servers for your hosting. It means more CPU cores, database instances, and RAM according to your web traffic requirements. By using a “pay as you go” approach, it is easier to estimate the needed server over capacity manually. You can also use or a cheap fixed-rate billing for this. It is needed to match up the peak hours and downtime levels of your site traffic.

There are many significant aspects involved in web hosting for several business sites. One of them is, its capability to install a custom web server software stack platform. It is used for supporting third-party database extensions and programming languages. It is required for complex mobile and web applications to have custom code. The affordable pricing offered by cloud servers makes them a competitive alternative to dedicated hosting. Small businesses and SMEs can host their websites on retail PaaS cloud hosting. This is done for a fraction of the price they have to pay for dedicated hardware.


Cloud servers are a better alternative for using web server uptime and scalability. EWebGuru offers its customers various options to transfer the existing site for a good performance. For people with complex legacy applications that need custom configuration, dedicated hosting will be a better option. For expert advice for your small business and hosting solutions get in touch with the pros at eWebGuru.

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