How to access DirectAdmin panel for web hosting?

If you are a tech-savvy person, then you might hear about the graphical web hosting control panel DirectAdmin. The graphical Webhosting control panel DirectAdmin specifically designed to make the administrative operations of web hosting a lot easier than other hosting panels.

For easy picking, techie people refer to the DirectAdmin hosting as DA in short form and it runs only on the Linux web hosting system. DirectAdmin designed to be compatible with several versions of the multiple Linux distributions such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, FreeBSD, Fedora Core, Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu, Cloud Linux, and Red Hat.

DirectAdmin Control Panel

DirectAdmin also popularly known as the DA among the webmasters and techie people is one among the existing high featured web hosting control panel software, which is similar to the most common Web hosting control panel cPanel.

With the graphical and web-based interface offered by the DirectAdmin, the administrator can have the advantage of quick set-ups and managing the hosted websites. In addition, the DirectAdmin can perform automated tasks, which is something peculiar and not seen in other hosting panels.

Features of DirectAdmin Panel

With the special interfaces and several special features, the DirectAdmin Panel makes things easier for the administrators and resellers. Here are the few attractive features offered by the DirectAdmin Panel.

  • Create and manage email addresses
  • Create and manage FTP user accounts
  • Manage DNS
  • View statistics data
  • Manage FrontPage Extensions
  • Create and manage subdomains
  • Upload and manage file using a file manager
  • Manage MySQL Databases
  • Backup and restore site files and account data
  • Set up error pages
  • Set up directory password protection
  • Install SSL certificates, set up cron jobs, and other advanced tools

Benefits of DirectAdmin

  • Easiness in establishing a website in host server
  • Webmaster or administer can handle hundreds of website at ease
  • DirectAdmin is the low-cost control Panel when compared with all other existing panels in the hosting industry  
  • DirectAdmin offers you all the essential features that you want to set up a site in the shared hosting server.

How to access the DirectAdmin Panel?

The DirectAdmin Panel can be accessed in 3 ways, by entering your server hostname or by entering your server IP address, or by entering your domain name. All those 3 options must include the suffix or extension “:2222. Just like the formats given below

  • https://yourserverhostname:2222
  • https://yourserveripaddress:2222

By doing, so you can able to view the accessing panel of DirectAdmin where you supposed to provide the credentials to access the DirectAdmin control panel. Here we elaborate on the process involved in resetting the Admin password, creating another administrator account, and creating FTP accounts in the DirectAdmin Control panel.

  1. Steps to Reset Admin Password In DirectAdmin

Steps to follow for resetting the admin password of the DirectAdmin control panel.

  • Login to DirectAdmin Hosting Control Panel [It should be accessible by using any of the above-mentioned 3 ways].
  • Click on the Change Password link.
  • Provide the following details:
    • Current Password
    • New Password
    • Re-type New Password
  • Click on the Submit button.
  • Steps to Create Another Admin Account in DirectAdmin Panel
  • Login to DirectAdmin control panel [It should be accessible by using any of the above-mentioned 3 ways]
  • From the Server Management section, click on Create Administrator link
  • Fill the following details:
    • Username
    • Email Address
    • Password
    • Re-type New Password
  • Click on the Submit button to create another Administrator account.
  • Steps to Create FTP accounts in DirectAdmin Panel
  • Login to DirectAdmin control panel [It should be accessible by using any of the above-mentioned 3 ways]
  • Click on the FTP Management link.
  • Click on Create New FTP Account.
  • Provide the following details:
    • FTP Username
    • Password of that user
    • Re-type Password
  • Set the path for your FTP account Directory. You can the option of setting a custom path for your server.
  • Click on Create button to create an FTP account.
  • Steps to Create a Reseller Account In DirectAdmin
  • Login to DirectAdmin control panel [It should be accessible by using any of the above-mentioned 3 ways]
  • From the Server Management section, click on Create Reseller link
  • Fill the required details:
    • Username
    • Email Address
    • Password
    • Re-type New Password
    • Domain Name
    • Select Reseller Package from drop-down menu
    • Assign IP address from the drop-down menu for the account, etc.
  • Click on the Submit button.


Consider getting a DirectAdmin control panel by picking the Linux hosting solution from the reliable hosting service provider eWebGuru. They offer hosting solutions for affordable rates without compromising the hosting features to all their plans.

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