What Is the Right Time To Make The Switch To VPS Hosting?

To a beginner, every hosting plan looks the same and it might be a bit confusing when it come to choosing a hosting plan for your website. In this article, we are going to try to explain the basic differences between shared hosting and VPS hosting. So that you can choose the most suitable hosting plan for your website. 

You might have a website up and running for quite some time now. But you still have some doubts when it comes to hosting plans. You know that you need hosting for your websites but you don’t exactly know what type of hosting is the best for you. let us find out more about hosting plans.

Major  Difference Between Shared Hosting And VPS Hosting

Most of the website owners choose shared hosting, simply because it is quite cheap in comparison to others and it is quite simple to use. In shared hosting one physical server supports multiple websites. All the websites share the same resources, storage space, and bandwidth. This means that if there is a particular website that experiences a rise in traffic it will end up using most of the resources which will have an impact on the rest of the websites. 

However, in VPS hosting each website has its own separate resources that mean they don’t have to share the resources with any other website. Even the server is divided among the websites, so each website has its own dedicated server. 

Reasons Why You Should Switch To VPS

There are plenty of reasons why you should shift to VPS hosting. Here are a few tips that might help you to detect the right time to switch your hosting plan to VPS. Below we have mentioned some of them that you might find helpful:

  • Shared hosting can have several negative effects on the performance of your website. You may find users complaining about the website’s slow loading speed or sometimes the website might even crash. These are some of the most common issues when it comes to shared hosting. 
  • Another major issue in shared hosting is that oftentimes your website witnesses a sudden rise in traffic and your hosting plan simply cannot provide sufficient support with the rise in traffic. This can also affect the performance of your website and its popularity among users. 
  • Security is one of the most critical areas of concern, especially when it comes to protecting data including payment-related information of your customers. A breach in security can lead to data theft that can have serious altercations for your website. Therefore it is crucial to ensure that your website has the necessary security provisions required in order to protect your data. In VPS hosting your website has its own dedicated server and does not share the server with any other websites. This provides your website with a safe environment that protects it from data theft. 
  • In VPS hosting users also have the ability to customize their environment and install software, configure server specifications, and operating systems as per their requirement. This allows you to keep up with your growing demands and provides an ideal environment for your website to grow and achieve desired results.

In this article, we have made it quite clear that VPS hosting is a more suitable hosting plan for any growing website. It is quite obvious that VPS provides all the necessary features required for your website to grow and reach its maximum potential. We hope that this article helps you to make the best decision for your website. 

If you are looking for further assistance then get in touch with our experts at Ewebguru. We deliver impeccable hosting solutions at an affordable price. 

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